A magical planetarium which is in the hands of the astronomic society "Rudjer Boskovic" where interesting lectures, courses and activities for all ages are regularly organized. This is one of the only two places in this entire country which can bring you closer to the stars then you've ever been before. Enter a world of constellations and celestial spheres. The whole universe in the palm of your hand. Their special offer is the star theater, when the weather allows it of course. Since 1970 a completely different galaxy lives within the town center.
A magical planetarium which is in the hands of the astronomic society "Rudjer Boskovic" where interesting lectures, courses and activities for all ages are regularly organized. This is one of the only two places in this entire country which can bring you closer to the stars then you've ever been before. Enter a world of constellations and celestial spheres. The whole universe in the palm of your hand. Their special offer is the star theater, when the weather allows it of course. Since 1970 a completely different galaxy lives within the town center.