Magistratski square

What Knez Mihailova is for the city center, this square is for all residents of Zemun. Ladies from Zemun are there on a daily basis because of the rich offer of catering facilities and various shops. The recent renovation has further enhanced the spirit of the ancient times and attractive architecture now looks even more appealing. For the morning, for a relaxing walk after work, for the evening in a good company. The square that will win you over at the first step.

It was named after the Мagistrates Building that is right here. Zemun Magistrate was founded in 1751, and today it is a cultural monument. Also, the house of the Markovic family is located in the same zone and it represents a building of great importance. The cross of Lazar Urosevic is another monument. All important decisions related to the population and the functioning of the whole Zemun are made on this square where the building of the Municipal Assembly of Zemun is located. Traffic is not allowed on the square and everything is subordinated to enjoyment. If you ask someone from Zemun what to visit in his neighbourhood, he will surely give you this address. Find out why. You will not regret.

What Knez Mihailova is for the city center, this square is for all residents of Zemun. Ladies from Zemun are there on a daily basis because of the rich offer of catering facilities and various shops. The recent renovation has further enhanced the spirit of the ancient times and attractive architecture now looks even more appealing. For the morning, for a relaxing walk after work, for the evening in a good company. The square that will win you over at the first step.

It was named after the Мagistrates Building that is right here. Zemun Magistrate was founded in 1751, and today it is a cultural monument. Also, the house of the Markovic family is located in the same zone and it represents a building of great importance. The cross of Lazar Urosevic is another monument. All important decisions related to the population and the functioning of the whole Zemun are made on this square where the building of the Municipal Assembly of Zemun is located. Traffic is not allowed on the square and everything is subordinated to enjoyment. If you ask someone from Zemun what to visit in his neighbourhood, he will surely give you this address. Find out why. You will not regret.