Lemonade for Svratiste

"Day for Lemonade" is organized again in Belgrade when funds for help and support to endangered children will be raised

Monday 10th of July 2017

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For three years now, the Children's Center Svratiste (Hangout) and the Youth Integration Center have been organizing the action "Day for Lemonade for Svratiste", and catering facilities in Belgrade, which join the campaign, donate all income from the sold lemonades to the Children's Center Svratiste. This summer, 15th July is the date when many places to go out to in Belgrade will be marked with a poster as a sign that they are part of the action. The raised funds will be used to buy necessary things for the next school year. Order lemonade so that all children be ready to meet 1st September!

Catering and hotel facilities that supported the action are:

- Shake'n'Shake

- Sunset

- Frans

- Arkabarka apartments

- Bagel Bejgel

- Campo de' Fiori

- CoffeeRoom

- Hotel Excelsior

- Aviator Coffee Explorer

- Salon de the-cajdzinica

- Le petit bistro

The Children's Center Svratiste is a service realized by the association of citizens the Youth Integration Center, in two locations in Belgrade - the municipality of Zvezdara (since 2007) and the municipality of Novi Beograd (since 2010). It is open on working days from 08:00 to 18:00 and at weekends from 11:00 to 16:00. Children who are involved in life and/or work on the streets of Belgrade can facilitate basic food and hygiene needs, can get support during their inclusion in the education system and during their education, can get support in obtaining personal documentation, and participate in various creative, educational and recreational activities. The programme of work is based on the principles of voluntariness, confidentiality, participativity, individuality and non-judgment.

The basic idea is to provide comprehensive and continuous support to children and the family in the following goals: stop work on the street, integrate children into the education system, acquire practical life skills and other skills through non-formal education, raise parental capacities in order to meet children's needs more adequately, and protecting children from neglect and abuse and ensuring co-operation with other community resources. The team of professional staff consists of special pedagogues, social workers, nurses, lawyers and psychologists. Great support is provided by field workers who are an integral part of a professional team, who regularly visit children in places where they live and/or work, and thus provide ongoing support to children and their families.