City events this weekend: 24th - 25th March 2018

The first days of spring marked by quality time - outside your home

Thursday 22nd of March 2018

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The Festival of Writers will be held at Dorcol Platz from 20th to 24th March. It is an opportunity to promote modern domestic literature in a popular and direct way, but also that the audience in the discussion programme meets and talks to their favourite contemporary Serbian writers. Thirty nine writers in four days cover almost all genres of the current Serbian literary scene, among them Dragan Velikic, Jelica Greganovic, Ljubivoje Rsumovic, Marko Vidojkovic, Svetislav Basara and others.

On Saturday, 24th March from 17:00, the National Museum in Belgrade is organizing professional guidance through the installation of the Museum of Vuk and Dositej. Excellent afternoon activity. All you did not know about these two Serbian giants, you will discover during the visit. The Memorial Museum keeps and promotes a rich collection from the life of the creator of the Serbian language, Vuk Karadzic and Dositej Obradovic, the first Serbian Minister of Education.

"Artisan Matinée" starts for the first time on Sunday, 25th March from 14:00 in Karbon. If you love the finest hand-made items, wardrobe, jewelry and hats, spend a Sunday afternoon with friends socializing and shopping in imaginative, creative ambiance of this event.