Trends, tastes, aromas change. Definitely, Japanese food has a faithful audience and has no intention of leaving the throne to other exotic specialties that originated far from Serbia. The use of chopsticks instead of cutlery is a mastered skill. The most popular combinations of main dishes and sauces, mandatory toppings and drinks are also known. The only dilemma is where to eat sushi and portions of true Asia in Belgrade. Get ready, we take you to a Japanese gastronomic adventure.
Oh, that Senjak. Part of the city known for many things, but most of all for luxury. Without great restaurants it is just beautifully decorated zones. Rules are known. Only quality in an exclusive edition is considered. There is no deviation from the norm even when it comes to sushi. You guess what's next.
Bizu. A modern approach to classics. A restaurant with equally represented perfect sushi specialties and traditional portions of pure meat. It is very attractive and subordinate to the perfect enjoyment, but not only for the selected ones. There is place for everyone. If you "grab" your table in time. There are no unpleasant moments. OK, looking at someone else's food coming to tables at high speed does not count. Especially when sushi joins the company. It is completely justified, because everything you see and try is absolutely flawless. While you doubt whether to indulge your appetite with the most popular Japanese food or veal chops, pay attention to music. Famous city DJs are music hosts. The mix of music and food has never been better.
The continuation of the Japanese gastronomic story is in the heart of Dorcol. The Marukosi restaurant explored everything that is made in Japan to the smallest detail. The acquired knowledge is for a world recognized diploma. That is why the diplomats from the Asian embassies in Belgrade are everyday guests here. This is the best recognition. Everything that is Japanese cuisine, and not sushi, is served in a tucked away ambiance. A home-based atmosphere will make your day better. You do not have to study the habits and customs of eating of wise Japanese people. At this address you will get much more than expected. Primarily very tasty food, and then interesting lessons. The spice spectacle creates an unexcelled both salty and sweet magic.
Come on, take a walk to the popular old town. Hidden from the city crowd, a few steps away from important sights or walking on the Dorcol Quay, there is Marukosi. A dose of intimacy, a portion of a different, yet excellent cuisine and a completely relaxed atmosphere are guaranteed. You just have to confirm coming.