Day in Belgrade: city events

The next days should be used only for one - for huge fun

Wednesday 7th of November 2018

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You cannot change the weather. There are so many things in your life that are not up to you. But it is up to you how you will spend your free time. The best you can do is to relax. A short break and you are now ready for the current events. An excellent programme is ahead of you. Do not miss the current events.

Are you in the mood for crying, but laughing and crying? If yes, hurry up to get your ticket for the "Velika reforma" (Great Reform) play of a well-known team called Drzavni posao (State Job). If the answer is no, still take a walk to the Kombank Hall and take your place. High quality humor will totally delight you. Let the weekend begin on Thursday, 8th November. In the never better mood.

You are bored with concerts. You have visited all the exhibitions. You do not want to walk outdoors. You need an adrenaline adventure. The Aviation Museum is waiting for you! The professional flight B 737 800 simulator is ideal for all who are looking for new activities as well as for those who are still scared of air traffic. The simulator will fly at a speed of 400 knots and you will discover how to fly an airplane. The real flight control (yoke) in front of you and the real pilot right next to you. It is definitely never boring in Belgrade.

Food is always a good cause for socializing. And when Serbian food is on the menu, enjoyment is guaranteed. The "Srpske djakonije" Festival is taking place at the Serbian Army House on 10th and 11th November. Ethno hedonism and domestic tourism are on the programme. Presentation of tourist potential of whole Serbia, old crafts, original souvenirs and, of course, drinks and food of domestic origin will begin at noon on both days. Cultural heritage will be presented through a quality musical and cultural-artistic programme. Tradition in modern version for all generations.