It's time for new exhibitions

The capital's cultural and artistic content for all generations

Saturday 26th of January 2019

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Until 22nd February, there is the first international thematic exhibition after renovation in the National Museum. "All Faces of Culture – Painting and the Life of the Early China" is a visiting exhibition of the National Museum of China in Beijing. Through 100 and more exhibits, the audience will get to know the life of scholars, representatives of the highest social class in China. A special exhibition is accompanied by a rich programme in the form of workshops for children, different lectures and presentations, with the goal of making possible for everyone to get to know more about the ancient culture and tradition.

"Travelling the World. Art from Germany. Artworks from the ifa Collection, 1949 to the Present" is an exhibition organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art. Even until 25th March, curators Matthias Flügge, Matthias Winzen and Zaklina Ratkovic will present to the details of the art of East and West Germany, the "collision" of prominent artists and the influence of their creativity to the whole European culture with more than 300 works in the field of painting, drawing, photography, sculptures and video materials.

Only until 2nd February, in the Prozor Gallery, the exhibition "Zanat", signed by Dejan Ivanovic Wuper, is on the repertoire. The author put emphasis on old crafts from the ancient past of Serbia. Someone's profession, someone's interest but crafts are an inseparable part of Serbian history. A young, yet successful artist has recorded the homecraft of his family and environment with his camera. More than interesting. Completely different. Absolutely high quality.

The French institute invites to the current street art exhibition "Travellers". The curator Vladimir Palibrk "brought together" Serbian and French artists with the idea to visualize the role of certain animals that had key roles in civilization. Man's companions, loyal animals through the perception of street artists, are finally living deserved fame. You have the opportunity to find out what animals they are and why they are selected to be part of the exhibition by 11th February.