The Serbian Orthodox Church is celebrating Easter today. The greatest holiday. It is the greatest day of all because Easter is the essence of faith. Jesus Christ overcame suffering and death with his journey from crucifixion to bliss.
It is far less important what words you will use to congratulate Easter than love and forgiveness that should be dominant emotions today. There are several traditional responses, too. Everything is welcome.
Easter also marks the end of Great Lent. A basket of decorated eggs adorns tables of every home. The great holiday is celebrated with a rich table that gathers together the whole family and friends. This will be the case in Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, part of Ethiopia, Egypt and Alaska. It has been so since 325 when the First Council of Nicaea established the celebration of Easter in the first week of the full moon after the Vernal (spring) equinox.
Peace, harmony, happiness, communion and good thoughts should be at the center of attention today. Orthodox Christian believers, Christ is Risen!