Exhibitions you must not miss

Museum exhibits that will make you remember this summer as the best one ever

Saturday 3rd of August 2019

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This is the year marking half a century since the "Apollo 11" mission. Back in 1969, first people set foot on the Moon. It was this step that was long dreamed of that has changed the world. And this event is the reason for organizing the exhibition "Road to the Moon" organized by the Gallery of the Natural History Museum. By the end of January, visitors will be able to get to know the unbreakable Earth-Moon connection through four units. The original Lunar soil exhibit, mutual influence and authentic mission props are just a small part of a major venture that will completely change your perception. The author of the exhibition is senior curator Milos Jovic.

Serbian art and culture would not be the same if Djura Jaksic had not left an indelible mark. He always attracted everyone's attention. He was a painter and writer and more. That is why there are many true and false stories about him. If you visit the National Museum and the exhibition "Djura Jaksic - Between Myth and Reality", you will discover firsthand the truth about his unexcelled talent. The exhibition is composed of over forty works from museum archives and personal collection accompanying Djura's verses, and will be on the repertoire until 15th September.

When German and Serbian art join forces, the result can be extremely impressive. Exhibition "Where do we go and how long will it take?" is a presentation of perfect fusion and takes place at the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art. By 9th September, personal stories on important topics such as globalization, tradition, politics, and their impact on contemporary society will be available. The curator and director of the "New Gallery" from Germany is the leader of the great artistic collaboration, with artists Andy Heller, Ferit Kuyas, Leta Peer, Elham Rokni and Natalija Ribovic presenting their views.

Until the last day of August, the Museum of Science and Technology is proud to host the exhibition "Little Curators". Three decades of the museum's existence are the reason for the celebratory atmosphere and more private gathering. Without the curator, every museum would be just a collector's temple. With them and their skills, it is an institution that protects from oblivion, introduces new trends and depicts the atmosphere that only museum has. So come meet the curators of this museum. From the first days of life to the freshest photo records. Everything is available. They put everything on the table. Without any secret.